Designer, designers…
Individuals rejecting widespread conformism to go beyond clichés and schematic thinking. “People-sphinxes”, wrapping themselves with lengthy scarves regardless of the season, wearing glasses even though they do not eyesight problems and wearing strange clothes to look differently and live differently, differently than others…
This short and grotesque characteristic perhaps most accurately captures the essence of how society perceives designers and artists. Despite the fact they do not flow one meter above the ground, we have an impression that they are often detached from reality, which could be an advantage and a disadvantage at the same time. Otherwise, they would not be able to come up with brilliant ideas, that are expected of them. Thinking outside the box requires being outside of it, therefore, more understanding please!
Design is a field that often absorbs people from other professions such as engineers, architects, inventors. I have personally succumbed to this assimilation process. It is an added value, because this profession operates on the borders of aesthetics, technology and ergonomics. In contrast, the Polish model of education seemed to have inadequate emphasis on the aspect of reality and manufacturability in the design process, at least I got such an impression standing on the other side of the rift as a technologist and designer . Yes rift because definitely it exists between people that takes up the matter purely from technical side and those that approach it from aesthetical angle – this should not be happening. Fortunately, educational model in Poland is changing, but still it will take a few generations to make a noticeable difference. Profession of a designer today is very demanding and difficult due to the incredible technological advancement which is taking place right before our eyes. That is why in a profession in which it doesn’t suffice to keep up with technological progress but it is required to be one step ahead, the technical and esthetic faculties are indispensable additions to artistic mind. Personally, I belong to the unfortunately fortunate case, in which due to many coincidences and choices that I made I find myself on the border line of a many different fields – the point where I believe I have a clear view on everything . Of course, this view can be slightly distorted through the prism of my the surrounding environment and experiences me, but in my opinion most will agree with views given above.